I always start my afternoon meeting off by asking the students how they felt that day while displaying the feelings poster below from the book Hello Crabby! by Jonathan Fenske. This helps the students understand what their feelings may look like and helps them appropriately label their feelings.
By using this poster, students are able to think and reflect on their day, then identify the feeling/emotion that fits. Most often my students want to share 2-3 feelings that they had throughout the day. I encourage them to share any feelings they experienced so that they are able to express themselves and acknowledge how and why they felt that way. It became a great tool to help my students resolve conflicts that occurred with their peers. My students always began their conversations with "I feel _________, because _______." I was no longer involved in 90% of student conflicts because they were finding resolutions through their respectful and honest conversations.
Starting the afternoon meeting with feeling acknowledgement was a game changer in my classroom and will remain a staple in kicking off our afternoon meetings! Want more information on the students sharing their feelings?? Send me an email by clicking "Get in Touch"!